
Article I : Purpose

The purpose of Graduate Women in Aerospace Engineering (GWAE), is to represent and support the women in the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The organization will:

  1. Foster a strong community among AeroAstro graduate women
  2. Recruit women and underrepresented minorities and advocate for diversity in collaboration with the MIT AeroAstro Diversity, Inclusion, and Innovation Committee
  3. Support the personal, academic, and professional development of AeroAstro graduate women
  4. Enhance ties with AeroAstro undergraduate women through sponsorship of a graduate-undergraduate mentor program
  5. Participate in STEM outreach events
  6. Maintain a relationship between AeroAstro women faculty and graduate women
  7. Serve as a liaison for communication between the AeroAstro department and the graduate women body.

Article II : Membership

  1. Any member of the MIT community is eligible to become a member of this organization. Members include women enrolled in the MIT AeroAstro graduate program and women affiliated with MIT AeroAstro laboratories. Women in either of these categories can opt out of the organization by notifying the executive board to be removed from email and member lists.
  2. The membership of this organization will at all times contain at least 5 MIT students and be more than half of the membership must be MIT students.
  3. This organization will not discriminate based on any characteristic listed in MIT’s Non-discrimination Statement.
  4. The organization does not charge any monetary dues for membership.

Article III : Officers

  1. This organization will have at least two officers:
    1. President(s)
      1. The president may appoint a second president at any time to assist with leading the organization and achieving organizational goals, in which case both executive offers will fulfill the duties below until the following election cycle.
      2. The president(s) shall be the official representative of the group to any other organization and to MIT or may appoint another executive board member to represent the group.
      3. The president(s) will preside over all meetings.
      4. The president(s) is(are) responsible for determining when meetings are and publicizing this to the group.
      5. The president(s) shall be an MIT student(s).
    2. Treasurer
      1. The treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the group.
      2. The treasurer is required to sign all checks/vouchers of the group.
      3. The treasurer shall be an MIT student.
  2. Other officer positions may include:
    1. Mentorship & Outreach Director(s)
      1. Lead and manage Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Program
      2. Plan, organize, and execute outreach events
    2. Community Building & Social Director(s)
      1. Plan monthly social/community-building event (Ex: brunch, paint nite, escape room, etc.)
      2. Lead inter-lab community building program
    3. Publicity Director
      1. Maintain group’s facebook/social media accounts through posting pictures from events and publicizing upcoming events
      2. Create publicity flyers for events
      3. Maintain GWAE poster in display case (put up pictures and flyers)
    4. Events Director(s)
      1. Lead the organization and execution of events for academic, social, and professional growth of members
      2. Support and assist other executive board members in organizing and executing events
    5. Tea Time Coordinator(s)
      1. Lead and manage Tea Time program
  3. Other officers may be appointed by the President at any time to assume roles and responsibilities related to group programs and initiatives. These officers are considered part of the executive board and will be listed in official documentation.
  4. Elections:
    1. Elections of officers shall occur in May of every year or before the academic year ends.
    2. Any member of this organization is eligible to run for office.
    3. Quorum for elections is one-fifth of the group membership.
    4. Any member is elected if she wins a majority of the voting members.
    5. If more than two people are running and no one wins a majority, then the person with the fewest votes is dropped from the ballot and votes are recast.
    6. The term of office runs for a full academic year from time of election to next election.
  5. Removal : Officers may be removed by a majority vote of the executive board members.

Article IV : Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held at least every 2 months during the academic year.
  2. Meetings shall be presided over by the president, unless she is absent, and in that case another executive board member designated by the president(s) shall preside.
  3. All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all members present.
  4. Quorum for a meeting is one-fifth of the group membership.

Article V : Amendments

  1. Amendments shall be presented by any member of the organization.
  2. Amendments shall be passed by a majority vote of the members present.
  3. Quorum for amending this constitution shall be one-fifth of the group membership.
  4. A meeting to vote on constitution amendments must be advised to all members of the organization.

Article VI : ASA Governance Clause

The Graduate Women in Aerospace Engineering agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities and its executive board. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Board to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.