GWAE holds community-building events to develop a stronger sense of community among graduate women in the Aero/Astro department, enhance relationships among the women graduate students, and to provide opportunities for women in the department to connect in environments outside of research laboratories and academia. See our Events page for specific times and locations
Community Building Events for Fall 2019
- Tea Time – Weekly half-hour gatherings for women undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty to casually meet and connect. These events are meant to provide a quick break during the week from research and class, and to provide regular opportunities for women in different laboratories and classes to catch up.
- Grad Women Social Events – Monthly gatherings for women graduate students to meet off campus and bond through conversations during a meal or activities in the Boston area. Announcements for these events go to aawomen (at) mit (dot) edu – if you’re not on our mailing list, email gwae-exec (at) mit (dot) edu to get on it!
- Grad Women Inter-Lab Community Building Program – To encourage interaction between grad women in different laboratories, GWAE will reimburse the cost of a group meal (breakfast, brunch, coffee, lunch, dinner, etc) for 3 or more Aero/Astro grad women representing at least two different laboratories. See our Inter-Lab Community Building page for more details.