2018-19 Mentoring Program

Held in collaboration with WAE, the objective of the GWAE Mentorship Program is to connect undergraduate women and graduate women in Aero/Astro through mentoring relationships. The goal of these relationships is to:

  • Encourage and inform undergraduate women, to enable them to grow through the MIT undergrad experience, and to guide them in their pursuits of careers and/or higher education after graduation
  • Strengthen ties between the undergraduate and graduate communities

The program encourages individually matched mentoring pairs to meet monthly or bi-monthly for coffee or lunch to discuss school, career development, and other relevant issues.

The initial deadline to join this year’s mentoring program has passed. However, if you are still interested in joining, email us at and we’ll find you an available mentor or mentee!

Here are a few resources that may be useful in your mentoring relationships. Please feel free to use them and to email us if you have any questions or suggestions.